Last July Mr50 asked me to marry him on a random Tuesday, after work. He asked me to meet him at my mom's house to go swimming and BBQ dinner. I saw nothing unusual about this, because we visit for those reasons all the time. After a dip in the pool, I thought nothing of it when Mr50 asked me to grab Scrabble to play a quick game. I open the box- and I see the special message!!
Mr50 gets on one knee and pops of the question: "Will you marry me?"
Now, my entire life when I imagined this moment I thought I would be all done up, looking sexy. I also thought my reaction would be like something out of gone with the wind: poised, sweet, and well-worded.
My reaction? I scrunched my face up and exclaimed "Are you serious?!" in a slightly manish voice. I had just gotten out of the pool! My hair was wet and I had on an old house dress. The whole moment seemed to go by in an instant. I asked him a couple more times if he was serious. Once he confirmed he was, I said yes and we kissed/hugged/cried.
Obviously I was useless the next day at work. Definitely floating on a cloud. I immediately started researching wedding information and inspiration for our big day. Mr50's only request is "no pink." We set our date in October, 2009. The color palette was decided: navy, teal, champagne, and shaves of ivory. Once that was decided I officially started the process. That is when the fun began!
What about you? Did you react the way you thought you would when proposed to?

Welcome to the Q & A post!
Where, uh I guess I'll ask the questions since this blog has only been in existence for oh, about an hour. You may be asking yourself- who the hell are you? Who is that rather tall man you are marrying? And especially, who are those two freakishly adorable kittens from the picture in your last post? Well imma 'bout to tell you!
WARNING: This post is a bit long- but I need to get you caught up! Then we'll be on our way to wedding paradise.
Me: I'll refer to myself as Miss 50 Stories. M50 for short. You see, I am marrying a musician and am the source of inspiration for an incredibly special song called "50 Stories." It is also my sexy lova's blog:http://50stories.blogspot.com/
I encourage you to take a peek, and listen to my man sing his love for me.
I am an OCD DIYer. Sometimes taking on so many DIY projects that I stress and overwhelm myself. It's in my genes. I have a "Martha Stewart" mother and a contractor father. I love going to Home Depot and smelling the fresh cut lumber...mmm!
During the day, I am a sales representative for an indoor tanning distribution company. When I tell people my profession, I get many different reactions. Most people instantly become concious of their current tan/ lack of tan/ need to tan. "Oh you work in tanning? I am so pale right now. I'm usually darker." or "I like being pale and choose NOT to give myself skin cancer thankyouverymuch." Believe me, I've heard it all, good and bad. Though nothing beats that I had to change doctors because he equated what I do with selling booze and cigarettes to small children. Also know that my goal everyday is to help those who choose to be bronzed do this in a controlled, educated manor. Also, definitely let me know if you have any questions about indoor tanning, and airbrush/sunless products! You have no idea how much freakin' training I have to go through to do this job, so I enjoy spreading the knowledge.
I met Mr50 while I was on a date with someone else. Yep! You heard right!
Here's how it went down:
I was lonely, and fishing the Match.com ocean. I met a Mr. Match and we started dating. His second date idea? "Let's go watch my friend (Mr50) play music." Baaad idea! I was (secretly) instantly attracted. I immediately started racking my brain for which friend I could set him up with (glad I didn't). Mr. Match and I kept dating... and there were an awful lot of group dates with Mr50 in attendance. Mr. Match and I were not connecting, but Mr50 and I were. The final straw was a group date were we ended up sitting next to each other (again, bad idea!). We discovered each other's hidden passion for rapping dirty lyrics. Then the Freaks of the Industry duet began. In hindsight, that was very inappropriate, but at the time- I fell in love!
Some weeks went by and Mr. Match and I stopped seeing each other, and Mr50 and I started dating. Now here we are, spending the rest of our lives together.
My Husband-to-be: Mr50 is a manager by day, and rockin' musician at night. He is my best friend, and the most hilarious person I know. His talents have been quite handy when planning the entertainment portion of our wedding, but more on that later ;)
Our fuzzy companions: Cosmo and Juliette! The best cats ever! But I am only slightly bias.
Ok... now that we've gotten the "getting to know you" portion out of the way, let's take this relationship to the next level!