Mr50 gets on one knee and pops of the question: "Will you marry me?"
Now, my entire life when I imagined this moment I thought I would be all done up, looking sexy. I also thought my reaction would be like something out of gone with the wind: poised, sweet, and well-worded.
My reaction? I scrunched my face up and exclaimed "Are you serious?!" in a slightly manish voice. I had just gotten out of the pool! My hair was wet and I had on an old house dress. The whole moment seemed to go by in an instant. I asked him a couple more times if he was serious. Once he confirmed he was, I said yes and we kissed/hugged/cried.
Obviously I was useless the next day at work. Definitely floating on a cloud. I immediately started researching wedding information and inspiration for our big day. Mr50's only request is "no pink." We set our date in October, 2009. The color palette was decided: navy, teal, champagne, and shaves of ivory. Once that was decided I officially started the process. That is when the fun began!
What about you? Did you react the way you thought you would when proposed to?
I'm glad I surprised you Sweets! I hadn't looked at the Scrabble board in awhile- it's funny that it says QAT on it!