It has been so hard not to "taste" the candy that has been purchased for our candy buffet!
I am particularly excited about this portion of our wedding. I LOVE candy! When I started my CB research I quickly noticed that most brides color coordinate all of their candy selections. I have followed suit and purchased the candies pictured above.
• Blue Raspberry Rings
• Grape Tootsie Pops
• M&M’s Premium Chocolate Almond
• Blueberry Jelly Belly
• Yogurt Pretzels
• M&M’s Plain in Cream Color
• Pineapple Gummi Bears
• Banana Gummi Bears
• Peanut Butter Bars
• Hershey’s Kisses Truffles (not pictured)
I heavily researched prices, sizes, how much candy for how many people, where to buy the sweets, and so forth. I want to have enough for everyone, but not so much left over that we're left with the sweet factory in our living room.
Here is a list of what I decided & considered when planning my candy buffet:
• 6oz of candy per person.
(more if you’re not doing appetizers before guests eat)
• 1lb white tin tie bags purchased here.
• The density of each candy vs. how many lbs needed.
• 8-10 different types. Too few and it won’t look like a “buffet.”
• Ordering the candy during a cool-weather week to prevent melting.
• Choosing to buy from the best priced, and closest candy company.
• Variety of blue flavors. (ex: not all blue raspberry)
• Variety of different types. (ex: chewy, crunchy, sweet, chocolate)
• Visually appealing and would look pretty in jars.
• Will hold up all night. While sitting out & mixed up in the bag.
(ex: all chocolates are wrapped or in a shell)
• Have some wrapped candy available for the germaphobes.
• Choosing sweets we actually eat and enjoy!
(ex: rock candy= gorgeous but inedible for most)
I bought most of it from www.candywarehouse.com. The website is easy to navigate, they have a huge selection, and they ship their candy with cooler packs. I live in Northern California, and CW ships from Southern California. I had to select 2-day guaranteed shipping during 70-degree weather. The candy arrived fast and nothing melted.
Well- CW has a great deal on the plain M&M’s now- but I had started going to Michaels a few times a week with a 40% off coupon buying one bag at a time. (Those tiny bags are expensive!) I bought the Tootsie Pops and Jelly Bellies from Winco, and the Premium M&M’s from Target with a coupon.
I spent about $250 for everything (including bags). We're expecting about 130 guests, so that is just under $2.00 per person.
Not too shabby!!
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